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Πέμπτη 21 Ιουλίου 2022

Back to the Basics : POV - Allowing the Art of Resonance.


is expression through pre-existing thoughts that mirror your own.You find bits and pieces of you in them. 

A sort of collage of truths of some kind, an artistic stracture of our own creation, if you will, that is your life. 

Art by: Caren Ginsberg

The combination of which is very unique.

You pick and choose and sift through the things that already are you, the things you resonate with. 

It is a creative process! 

Things almost find their own way to you because they already are in your very specific frequency and that is why you resonate with them in the first place .✨

In fact, social media algorithms are a perfect example of how life happens and of how we subscribe/unsubscribe/pick and choose things that are us thus inviting them to be experienced, every single day. 

It's all been said before, anyway...

And if we also agree that time does not even exist... 

That ALL things happen simultaneously then... 

It's all about the message.


Nothing else matters!  

It never was about the messenger! 

It's about the creation of a unique structure by using plastic waterbottles and gold leafs and pebbles and watercolor and sharpies and autumn leaves and perfume and I love you's - that are true- and cut pictures and a piece of red string and a quote from Lord Byron next to a quote of Rumi thst say the exact same thing or are of completely opposing views.


It is a form of an emotional collage of self expression through a multi-level kind of expansion of understanding . It is a way to communicate by using a multitude of ways! By using the whole world as your pallette, because that is what it is! 

It all starts with the soul

That is the creator! 

Desire of creation is driving the vehicle thus bringing all around us all the cooperative components we will need to make this trip interesting, exciting, lively and fulfilling for our very unique purposes. 

You just trust your guidance system enough to follow it and when you do, you are not swaying to wherever the wind blows!!! You understand that you ARE the wind and you are the way! You are tuned in, tapped in and TURNED ON! 

You just resonate with what you already know is for you! 

You understand that there is a reason why things speak to you so much! It is because they ARE you! 

What we are, always finds us.

It doesn't matter where it comes from.

Not if you are a Truant, an artist of life...

Truants are open for anything that resonates, nomatter where it comes from.

That is how we learn and how we express ourselves. 

We take messages from mud and diamonds

And we find both, equally interesting and valuable.

We exclude nothing, frown upon nothing!

We include everything in our experience to learn and express ourselves by the full spectrum of what is... We are passionate students of life without restrictions

We jump into the rivers and splash all the "stuck up " folks in the face while they are having their evening tea💦 to remind them to RELAX a little! 

There are a million ways to say I love you and it is a Truant's mission to learn all of them. 

One thing is for sure :

The quote "my way or the highway" has been the root cause of most human suffering as it restricts, frowns upon, judges and invalidates the free nature of anything that is different from us while at the same time imposes ones way as 'the only right way" for doing things. It is limiting it is debilitating and it is a symptom of all together missing the point.

For me,

It has always been about the message.

Not the messenger. 

And maybe if we loosened up enough to trust that  there is enough structure even in un-stracture, we would find a new kind of confidence in our selves, in our guidance system, in life, in other people's goodness, in what is truly valuable... 

Maybe we would lose the attitude and gain more understanding... Maybe we would become stronger by becoming kinder...

Judging means a commitment to misunderstanding. 

This world is bigger than us for a reason... 

It is bigger than us to ensure our expansion. 

Here we are all students and teachers to each other. 

The only constant is love. 

Even when we can't see it. 

It is always there, guiding us like a northern star 🌟 

*namaste 🙏🏻 

Ps. I am not saying everyone should be a Truant... But I am saying that I am one and that there are others out there. I am also saying that everyone can only live a fulfilling existence by being themselves completely and in full honesty and that we, as a society should finally embrace each other and learn through our differences instead of making them excuses to invalidate other people's experiences. 

We are One

But we are not the Same 

And that is exactly as it should be. 

A world of colours is a world of infinite possibilities. 



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I sing, I write, I host, I dream, I believe, I am✨

I sing, I write, I host, I dream, I believe, I am✨
Φωτογραφία: Ελένη Πολιτοπούλου