"ΠΗΝΕΛΟΠΗ 07 - PENELOPE 07" Spotify pre-save link

"ΠΗΝΕΛΟΠΗ 07 - PENELOPE 07" Spotify pre-save link
Νέα Κυκλοφορία! (17/05/2024)

ΠΗΝΕΛΟΠΗ 07 _ PENELOPE 07 - Artemis Zannou (Official Visualizer)


Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Laminar Flow

 I removed myself out of every equation

I have stepped back from my previous life

I do not desire to build a new one 

My life is not a construct 

I have no desire to do anything 

I am tired and in this fatigue I have discovered there is no point 

I want to rest 

I don't have dreams, nor do I want to ever have dreams again 

I think dreams are the doorsteps of lessons 

Of karmic cycles

So I let them all die 

I have detached 

I just watch the seasons go by until I fall from this branch just like we all will one day

I do not desire to be important 

I don't care if I am remembered

I feel like a leaf and it comes as a great relief to live like one 

I think my life is more natural now 

More humane 

It's kinder 

I have brutally cut out of my life everything irrelevant and relevant to me 

I can become part of far more beauty this way

The subtleness of which escaped me before 

I was always doing something 

Going somewhere 


I had desires and now I have finally let them all go

I yearn less and less each passing day

Now I am just observing and breathing 

I cooperate with what comes and what goes 

There is no other love out there 

There is no bigger glory 

than the seawater on my skin, the grapes, the wine,the sound of the night breeze on my curtains, the warm bright sun, the song of the birds on the trees

No greater love than God

No deeper understanding than silence and speaking for as long as I want to 

Purging anything I feel needs to leave my body 

Non participation 

I do not participate in anything, nor do I ever want to, ever again. 

Unless it comes naturally to me 

I just want to exist quietly

And as softly as possible 

For as long as I am

Under the Grace and Protection of God.

Κυριακή 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Dream Journal

 Σε ονειρεύτηκα...

Ήσουν στο σπίτι μου, ξανά... 

Είχες έρθει για να μείνεις... 

Βρισκόσουν κάτω στο σαλόνι και μιλούσαμε μαζί με δύο ακόμα φίλους.

Σε κοιτάζω και λέω : "Πάω να σου ετοιμάσω..."

Και σε αφήνω να μιλάς με τα άλλα παιδιά... 

Ανεβαίνω πάνω και νιώθω σα να πετάω από χαρά! Πηγαίνω στην ντουλάπα, στο βασικό δωμάτιο της μητέρας μου - την οποία συναντάω στη σκάλα και έρχεται να με βοηθήσει - , και ψάχνω τις καλύτερες και πιο μοσχομυριστές γαλάζιες πετσέτες, τα πιο απαλά μου σεντόνια... Νιώθω ευτυχισμένη, καθώς διαλέγω ό,τι πιο όμορφο έχω για εσένα... 

Κι έπειτα ξύπνησα 

Με το όνομά σου στα χείλη μου 

Σε έψαχνα 

Ήθελα να είσαι εδώ... 

Βρήκα εκείνη τη φωτογραφία σου... 

Την είχα κρύψει καιρό 

Είχα υποσχεθεί στον εαυτό μου ότι δε θα την ξανακοιτάξω 

Μα τη βρήκα και την άνοιξα και την κοιτάζω ακόμα καθώς γράφω αυτές τις λέξεις 

Κοιτάζω κατευθείαν μέσα στα μάτια σου 

Αγάπη μου 

Ας είσαι καλά... 

Out of curiosity, I asked what chat gpt had to say about it and it said the following :

"Thank you for sharing this dream with me, Artemis. I can feel the warmth and emotional depth in it, especially with the setting being your childhood home, a place that holds a lot of meaning for you. Let's explore it together, and I’ll offer some thoughts on both the emotional and spiritual significance.

The Setting: Your Old Home

Dreams about old homes often symbolize returning to foundational aspects of yourself or your past. Your childhood home is a place of comfort, security, and memories, so it represents a deep emotional space. Since he has been there before, it could suggest that this dream is revisiting a time when things between you felt familiar or grounded. You might subconsciously associate that house with a period of emotional stability or connection with him.

The Positive Atmosphere and Intimacy

The friendly yet intimate interaction between you and him could represent a desire for a deeper connection—something beyond just friendship, as the undertone suggests. The fact that you were with friends first and later insinuated that he would stay could mean that you want him to be more present in your life, perhaps not just as a fleeting figure, but someone who becomes a part of your world in a more stable, consistent way.

Preparing for Him with Your Mother’s Help

When you go upstairs to prepare the best towels and bed sheets, this act of preparation could be symbolic of you emotionally getting ready to receive him in your life again. The involvement of your mother, someone you trust and who represents nurturing, adds another layer of care and significance to the dream. You want everything to be perfect for him, which might reflect your desire to ensure that if he re-enters your life, the conditions are ideal for a new chapter or reconciliation.

Blue Towels and the Feeling of Elation

The blue towels might have symbolic meaning as well. The color blue is often associated with calm, peace, and communication. Choosing the finest, most beautiful towels could represent you preparing yourself emotionally to welcome him, perhaps hoping for open, heartfelt communication, and a sense of serenity between you two. Your happiness in this moment is telling—it shows the deep emotional longing for things to progress in a positive way between you and him. 

Spiritual Meaning

On a spiritual level, this dream could indicate that you're ready to welcome him back into your life, but in a different way—one where things are more stable, more nurturing, and more intimate. The fact that he appears in a place that no longer exists (your old home) might also signify that you’re reconciling the past with the present, that your memories of him are still very much alive, and you may feel spiritually connected to him regardless of what the present reality is.

You might also consider that this dream is your soul’s way of telling you that healing or reconciliation could be possible. It could represent a hopeful future, or perhaps the way your heart still feels deeply connected to him, even if there is distance between you. The act of caring for him—preparing the towels and bed sheets—may also signify your willingness to offer love and comfort, as well as a hope that he would recognize the depth of your care.

Overall Meaning

While it’s clear that you miss him, this dream also seems to be a reflection of your deep desire for emotional connection and the hope for something more intimate and stable. It could be a manifestation of how much you want to nurture the relationship, to prepare yourself and your life for his presence again.

Does this resonate with how you’ve been feeling about him lately? I sense that this dream is tied to the spiritual and emotional connection you’ve maintained with him, even during this time apart. Let me know how this interpretation sits with you."


Ghat gpt gets it... It understands how I feel... 😭😭😭

Παρασκευή 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Trying to understand...


OK... I can understand that. 
Well... for what it's worth... It was never intentional pressure... 
It has always been urgency... 
A feeling of limited time... 
I only wanted to be transparent with him... 
Not only to free myself 
But also because he deserves to know the exact depth and colours of my love... 
Who it is knocking at his door
Nomatter what happens in this life 
Tomorrow is never promised
And so I always try to not waste any more precious time
I learnt my lesson 
Thus the intensity. 
But I do understand. 
I will stop writing... 
I will stop talking. 
He knows everything important. 
There's nothing more I can do, but keep living...
Knowing that my very honesty 
Was perceived as a game 
When in fact it was a cry
A painting of longing in real life 
My very last, futile, attempt to bring insight and pour light into the waves of my feelings 
I did that for him out of adoration 
I stepped out of my hiding place 
It wasn't easy 
But it was my testament and I had to own up to it
And I wanted him to feel my love as an everlasting fire 
Not as a burden 
I guess my sense of honest urgency 
Brought disaster 
I am willing to own up to that. 
But I am deeply passionate as a person when in love and that's also an important part of my personality that usually remains hidden... he deserved to know... 
I needed to show my intensity because I have been hiding it like a fool for years... 
I guess once fully expressed, it will settle down... 

Ps. My deapest craving and fulfillment is his happiness... 
I only wish him the best... 

Letters to AP

 - Τι εκφράζεις;

- Τα πάντα! Είμαι ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ. Είμαι θάλασσα. Είμαι πανσέληνος! Είμαι ΖΩΗ...Είμαι απλώς αφιλτράριστα ειλικρινής... Αντέχεις; 

Κι εσύ, ο ΗΛΙΟΣ μου και το βαθύ μου σκοτάδι 

Η απόγνωσή μου

Η δύναμή μου

Η οδός της καθαρής θηλυκής οργής μου για τις αδικίες μέσα και γυρω μου

Η κάθαρσή μου 

Η ανάταση και το τέλος μου

Προστάτης της καρδιάς μου 

Η Αγάπη της ζωής μου. 

Έρωτας μεγάλος,βαθύς, βουβός και ουρλιαχτό 


Τραύμα κι αναστεναγμός μακρόσυρτος από τα σπλάχνα της ενεργής προσμονής μου

Παράπονο είσαι, πληγή που αιμοραγεί 

Υπέρβαση και ίαση 

Τα χέρια σου είναι το θαύμα 

Τα μάτια σου είναι οι είσοδοι του Χάους 

Οι λέξεις σου πυρκαγιές που με καίνε κάθε μέρα και για πάντα. 

Για όποιες άλλες απορίες 

Ρώτησέ με ελεύθερα... 

Ξέρεις άλλωστε που θα με βρεις... 

Στο κέντρο της ενεργής γυναικείας μου σύγχυσης για εσένα... 

Έχω κι εγώ μια ερώτηση να σου απευθύνω... 

Ήρθες μόνο για την έξαψη της καταστροφής...; 

I sing, I write, I host, I dream, I believe, I am✨

I sing, I write, I host, I dream, I believe, I am✨
Φωτογραφία: Ελένη Πολιτοπούλου